The Burleigh Heads State School Chaplaincy Program was introduced under the Federal Government's National Schools Chaplaincy Program. It is being funded by the Federal Government over the next three years and is jointly funded by community groups including local churches and community organisations. The chaplaincy is managed by the Scripture Union Qld group who support the chaplaincy in various ways and who oversee the program.
Burleigh Heads State School appointed the school chaplain at the commencement of the 2008 school year. Our chaplain is here Monday and Tuesday. Her role is to assist in fostering the social and spiritual development of members of the school community within a supportive environment. Whilst providing an additional dimension to the school's support of students, the chaplain also holds a unique position within the school and wider school community through extending care and support to staff and parents as well as students.
Our school chaplain is Laura Payne. She can be contacted on the school number (07) 5568 6666. She is available for, and offers confidential pastoral care to all members of the school community.
The function of the chaplain
Provides a respectful listening ear
- At School
- By Phone
- Presents positive Christian values
- Provides emotional support
- Provides help and support in times of grief and loss
- Provides referrals to appropriate support groups and agencies
Other tasks include
- Attending excursions, camps and other events.
- Being visible in the school grounds during breaks to meet as many students as possible.
- Providing a link between the School, community and churches.
A Local Chaplaincy Committee meets regularly comprising of representatives of the School, P&C, local Churches, SU Queensland, and the local community overseeing the service. They meet once a month throughout the school year.
Chaplains values
The Chaplaincy Service is provided for all students, staff, and associated families regardless of race, religion, belief or values.
We respect and value the individual and treat all matters raised in the strictest confidence and privacy. We promise to do so without judgment.
Some matters need to be reported and these will be outlined with all enquirers at the commencement of any sessions upon request.