If you are enrolling for the first time, welcome.
Enrolment packages are available from the school or can be downloaded below.
Parent/s or Guardian/s are asked to complete the following forms during the enrolment process:
All new enrolments must be interviewed and appointments for interviews can be made at anytime throughout the year.
Please ring the office on (07) 5568 6666 to arrange a mutually convenient interview time with the enrolling administrator.
Please be advised that we are a uniform school. Uniforms are available at the uniform shop Friday mornings.
When enrolling please bring the following items if relevant:
Birth Certificate for each child if enrolling in a Queensland State School for the first time
Visa and or Passport if enrolling from overseas
Medicare Card number
Emergency contact numbers
Doctor’s name, address and phone number
Any medical information needed about the child/children and permission from a doctor for long term medication if required
Any previous report cards, assessments or reports from doctors, specialists, speech pathologists etc.
Any official documents relating to custody or family issues of which the school needs to be aware.
Shoe Policy

First days of school
Download our information about First days of school (PDF, 40KB)