Monday to Friday 8.30am – 3pm
Bell times
- First bell 8.50am
- Start school 9am
- Morning tea 11am – 11.40am
- Lunch 1:40pm – 2.20pm
- Finish school 3pm
It is important that children do not arrive at school early (before 8.30am).
Unless they are participating in a school approved program and engaged in activities supervised by a teacher. Children who arrive at school before this time must be seated under D block near the Office. There is no teacher supervision in the grounds before school commences; therefore
Children are not allowed to play on the adventure playground or play contact sports or with any sporting equipment.
On arrival at school, children may place their school bags in the racks outside their room. Once children enter the school grounds, they are not allowed to leave unless permission is obtained from an Administrator.